Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday & the Weekends Basically Over...

It feels great outside but I myself find it too early to really enjoy the weather. We'll be heading out to church in about ten minutes. Afterwards we'll all be coming back home and celebrating the Grandpa's 69'th birthday...he's pretty old isnt he =P. I havent checked back up on my plants since about noon yesterday but I did notice that my cactus was out of its pot and I'm considering shooting the cat, just for a heads up. I dont know what it is with her...its a CACTUS which means it has SPIKES on it and yet I still find the poor rootless cactus out of its pot and on the floor. I dont know if it will ever start rooting if the spawn doesnt leave it alone...hmf. It's very upsetting, as I'm sure you can understand. Quotes? OKAY!!

  • The wisdom of the wise, and the experience of ages, may be preserved by quotation.
    Benjamin Disraeli

  • One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us.
    Kurt Vonnegut

  • Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway.
    John Wayne

  • Don't let us make imaginary evils, when you know we have so many real ones to encounter.
    Oliver Goldsmith

  • The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds.
    Tryon Edwards

  • The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.
    Oscar Wilde

A picture I took of a butterfly at the Zoo

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Art of the Succulent & The Roots of My Aggrivation

I asked and was granted the opportunity to take a few of my art teachers succulents home to grow them myself, and I was hoping for an easy ticket to fast, lush, and moderately unattended plants. To my severe disappointment, after four days I have seen no progress but I have witnessed my cat devouring them. Just because they're a cousin of the aloe plant, does not give her the right to eat them!

I'm fairly sure that one of the stems I have is unable to be brought back to life considering it has at least five puncture wounds and a brown, shriveling leaf. I'm trying hard not to over-water the plants and maintain my sanity, but if I can't even grow succulents—which are the basics of easy plant growing—I don’t know if I could ever manage any other.

The best luck I've had was with my air plants that require nothing but...well...air. It's beyond depressing and I'm verging on hysterics. Maybe I'm just being to anxious, or the soil isn’t deep enough, or I'm giving them too much light in the bay window, or I'm watering too much...either way I could REALLY use some suggestions on how to help these pretty little plants stay alive!! Comment and let me know?

The cat and her mischief:
My good plant that I'm hoping will continue growing:
My Cactus...I'm not sure about this little guy:
The three that are getting on my nerves:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Icy Weather & a Rant Or Two...

I enjoyed going to the youth rally in Paragould Arkansas February 19-21 but I'd have to say, it's good to be home and resting up. I'm happy to see that Amanda's baby is doing well and that everyone else that blogs is doing better than me at keeping up with this =P. Sad to be back at school again, but life must go on and on a sadder note; I have to continue in its path. Can't wait to see the baby cousin in March/April. There's a little update on my life, not seen much here but bad and cold weather. When we were in Arkansas the weather was phenomenal and I wish it had stayed that way, but here we are back down in the 30's. Guess i should pull out the ol' coat again...

I'm finding that my seeming obsession with oranges and orange juice in the past few months has not waned a bit, but--perhaps--worsened and increased so that I can’t think of anything but to drink orange juice and join an orange with my meals. But hey! Who doesn’t need iron, right? I am a woman and, when you lose as much iron as we do month by month, I might as well get it all in =D.

Happy to see that pretty much everyone is getting over the flu and cold just to have it again with this wickedly indecisive weather, but I'm glad people have stop obsessing over a flu that was around in the 70's but was blown out of proportion. For my own curiosities sake, does it bug anyone else when people say “no comment” about something, but by saying that they are indeed making a comment and have contradicted themselves? Well I do. I’m not real sure what got me to thinking about it, but it really bugs me. I guess you could call it a pet-peeve, but then again, one of mine is the phrase “pet-peeve” itself because it doesn’t make sense to me =). Well, I should probably end my ranting and sign off for the evening; I have things to do early tomorrow and can’t hinder my own sleep time ;). G’night all, sleep and dream well.