Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Mentions

While reading my bible yesterday during services, I stumbled upon this passage: 

"The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you" (Psalm 9:9-10 ESV).

Another glorious reminder that God is our rock and our shield. If we put our faith in him, if we rest all of our trust in him, we cannot go wrong. There is no way to be forsaken by our Lord if all of our trust is in him. I feel like God was reaching out to me when I saw this. It had been one of those days yesterday and I really needed some time with me and God. When I opened my bible and saw that, my heart was set at ease. 

Whatever I go through daily, it is never more than I can handle. There will be troubles and trials but God is always there making sure that we are not given more than we can handle. It's all about will power, isn't it? If I have the strength to trudge through the hard stuff, to put it all on God, then I will come out strong. I will come out victorious! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Personal Purpose

"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever..." (Psalm 138:8a).  

I personally have been going through a lot of things lately that I wish I wasn't. I've been feeling overwhelmed, confused, nostalgic, tired... And it's seemed like no matter where I turn, that trouble, that worry, those aggravations, they're all there with their eyes on me. This morning I felt especially burdened and then I saw the scripture above on Twitter. What a wonderful reminder! God has his purpose for me, of course, but I forget that daily! Like I posted a few days ago, God's love is never failing! It will endure forever! How can I not heave a sigh at that? My worries all but melt away, the tension in my body wanes, even my penetrating headache shrunk in intensity. Such a small verse, what a simple thing to say and yet, it means so much to me. The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me! His steadfast love endures forever! I have a purpose in this life, and God is its master. The purpose I am given by God is delivered to me through his never-ending love for me. So what then is there left to say but this: When you’re feeling down, there is nothing more comforting than knowing that God has a plan for you and his love drives that plan forward. Find peace in that alone!

Wednesday Night

On Wednesday night I went to the Finger Church of Christ to hear my brother speak. I'd like to think that both my brother and I have a lot to say, we just rarely get the opportunity. His lesson at Finger was wonderful and extraordinary, the insight was enriching. I felt especially enthralled to listen because we share the way we think. So much is different on the inside. I was so impressed with him, the depth in his words, the meaningful way he presented every phrase... it was enticing and I couldn't look away from him through the whole thing. Maybe I was the only one so interested, maybe not. Either way, lately I feel like I haven't been getting as much out of worship as I'd like to and last night I finally got what I needed, what I was searching for. Just something that was on my mind. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Problem Solvers

The quickest way through the marsh is not to go around, but to roll up our pant legs and trudge on through. When we have problems in life, the worst thing to do is think we can just skirt around it. We need to always remember the importance of facing our problems head on. Though some situations and difficulties vary in intensity, there is no better way to deal with a situation than to embrace it and learn from the outcomes. We will always have trials and tribulations, but the way that we handle them will define who we are and who’s we are for eternity. 

Just a little thought for the day!
May God watch over and continue to bless us all!